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Moran Eye Center - International Fellowship Program

Institution Name: University of Utah School of Medicine
Street Address: 65 Mario Capecchi Drive
City: Salt Lake City
State: Utah
Zip Code: 84132
Country: United States
Program description: NOTE: This is a 2nd year fellowship, meaning a prior year in a United States program in Cornea, Glaucoma, Retina, Oculoplastics, or Pediatric Ophthalmology fellowship must precede this fellowship. The fellow will spend approximately 8 months of the 12-month fellowship working in the developing world, teaching clinical and surgical aspects of ophthalmology. The balance will be spent at the John A. Moran Eye Center. The fellow will have the opportunity to work overseas in a variety of countries and settings. Past fellowship experiences have included periods in Nepal, Haiti, Ghana, and India. Future opportunities may include these or other countries such as Kenya, Malaysia, Vietnam, or Ethiopia. Networking with overseas organizations including the Himalayan Cataract Project, ORBIS, Tissue Bank International and other international eye banks are strongly encouraged. The goal of this fellowship is to encourage independence and the ability to work in different contexts as well as to build a global network with key individuals in foreign governments, NGOs, hospitals, and service organizations. Clinical and surgical practice during these periods will have a large degree of independence.
Contact Name: Geoffrey Tabin, MD
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