You need to read this insightful interview with Dr. Bradley Farris, Director of the Global Eye Care Fellowship Program at the Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City. He will both encourage and challenge you.
by Jason Smart, MD, PGY-3
After completing his combined fellowship in neuro-ophthalmology and oculoplastics, Trevor Kerr spent seven months practicing ophthalmology in the small, underserved African country of Swaziland. A country with only two ophthalmologists for a
Read more: Ophthalmology in Swaziland: A post-residency/fellowship experience
Did you know that Zika virus has ophthalmic findings? This grand rounds presentation illustrates some of the unfortunately but fascinating findings in cases of Zika virus.
Don't miss this exciting video produced by PBS in their series called Rx for Survival. This feature tells the story of how Dr. Al Sommer while studying night blindness discovered how important Vitamin A was in childhood and maternal
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